3rdBase Coin & Lottery

3rdBase Logo

In the heart of the crypto diamond, where dreams swing for the fences and aspirations run the bases, emerges a new contender that's about to steal home: "3rd Base." This isn't just another token; it's your ticket to the big leagues, a shot at crypto glory that's as thrilling as rounding third on prom night, with the game—and perhaps a bit more—on the line.

"3rdBase Coin and the Home Run Lottery" are given to the community running on the blockchain. The project is with no fixed anchor team or shares.

3rdBase Logo

"3rd Base" token encapsulates that electrifying moment. Imagine it's prom night, and the game is on. You've already hit a single with your first crypto purchase and doubled down on your investments. Now, you're rounding second, heart racing, as you eye the prize: "3rd Base." It's that almost-there excitement, the mixture of adrenaline and butterflies, the sweet anticipation of victory and the promise of more to come.

"Embrace the power of wealth with 3rdBase Meme Coin. Enter the exclusive lottery for a chance to win big."

"Be bold. Be part of the action."

CA: 0x3C9dD1762150B0b687Fe37D4Ee5901647A8f31ed

Slippage min: Buy 3.6% Sells 7.25%
3rdBase Logo

Purchase 3rdBase

3rdBase Emblem

Max is 0.5ETH per transaction

The max allows everyone a chance to bat

The field of computers and programming is inherently complex, and this complexity is further accentuated in the realm of blockchain technology. By engaging with this Token Marketplace, users acknowledge and accept these inherent challenges and the policies highlighted below. The mantra "Pitch fast & break bats" underlines our approach towards continuous innovation and improvement.

Value Increase

Meme Coin Fair Launch

Lottery Coming Soon!!!

Sport Event Betting!!!

Tyson Vs Paul
UFC 302
Olympics 2024

Media Promotion

Alternative DEX Listings

CEX Listing

Contract Renounced Once Stable

CoinGecko Terminal
Base Chain